Monday, September 21, 2009

The Ink that Talks

Written essays are nothing more than ink on a piece of paper. However, such simple act brought lives to this world that would otherwise be dull.

Pens are like magical wands that could siphon the threads of thought from a person; like the hand of the mother earth that touches everyone, pouring tons of emotion into the lonely heart.

Hundreds of different language that tells the same story, story that lives for thousand centuries.

Ideas titivated by rhetorical discourse, shines brighter than the webby formulae.

The color of the ink is like the culture of a person, it’s nothing more than what you see. What’s important is the underlying message that is conveyed.

Understanding the written traits of foreign learners is to broaden our minds, to free us from the cultural ring that would otherwise engulfed us.

Poetries are like reflections of essays on a funhouse mirror, where their look changes with others remain.

As an epilogue:
"Whether the ink is white or black, it is a good ink as long as it catches attention".

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Evolution of Spoken Discourse

It occurs to me that people tend to convey their message differently when communicating over different mediums. When speaking over the phone, most would say “hello” as their opening statement. When it comes to msn, most would type “hi” or “there?” rather than “hello” when poking for conversation. As for short messages (SMS), they would go straight into the topic without any opening statements.

What’s more is that the tone people used over different communication channels is very different as well. Below cite some of them describing the tone, language and how the conversation is ended among friends over different mediums.

Tone: Quite Formal
Language: Decent & Structured
Closing Method: Signing off

Tone: Causal
Language: Quite Decent & Readable
Closing Method: Change of topic

Tone: Causal
Language: Quite Decent & Readable
Closing Method: No Reply

Tone: Extremely Causal
Language: Not so Decent and Readable if I know the terms being used
Closing Method: “Bye” or “Good night” or “Talk to you again”

So with modern technologies, people have different style of opening, addressing issues and closing their conversation.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Speech Event Inference

Speech event is a structured system to study the forms of communication through the study of language (eg. historical tribes or culture). However, in modern time, it may have evolved to the study of others intention or what is going to come next. For instance, when someone starts with “Once upon a time, …”, you better keep yourself free for the next few hours.

Additionally, it may be a form hypnotization where sweet talks are the essential ingredients for persuasion. For the fun of it, let’s analyze it through the 10 components of speech event.


Work (eg. Preparing the presentation slides)

Delegating work (eg. school presentation)

Anytime and anywhere

Persuasive / Sweet talking

Anyone unlucky enough

Message form:
Any form as long as it works

Act Sequence:
Establish rapport
Identify the person strength
Amplify the person strength and potential
Emphasize that he/she is the chosen one through “hypnotization”
Wrap-up the conversation once successful

Rules of Interaction:
Satisfied with the compliments and payback through agreement

Norms of Interpretation:
Nothing comes for free in this world

Well, the above is just a hypothetical illustration.

So, next time when others start saying that you are really good in something and you should put such talent into good use, expect the expected. :)